エッセイ ブログトップ

エッセイ は Paradise [エッセイ]

画像my 009.jpg どーも、日本のことが出てこないと、親近間がわかないなあ、とお嘆きの貴方。


Kate Elwoodさんの「Takes and Mistakes」
Kay Hetherly さんの「American Pie」(Kay さんは他にもたくさん)
BRAIAN W. POWLE さんの「 My Humorous Japan 」(My Humorous World もあります,若干年代が古いので、昔の日本がよみがえります)。
American Pieは、たぶん、この手の本のベストセラーの一つだと思います。


Like in Japan,in America there are four basic tastes; sweet, sour, salty or bitter.(Takes and Mistakes) 

When I was a kid , like a lot of little sister everywhere, I didn't get new clothes very often. Instead I got my big sister's old stuff,her hand-me-down.(American Pie)    her hand-me-down・・・いわゆる、おさがりですね。

 Most of us spend a lot of time in trains. I know I do.When I go out to the Hon Atsugi campus of Aoyama Gakuin, I spend at least three hours in trains on the Odakyu Line and Inogashira Line.(My Humorous Japan )


画像my 013.jpg 実は、この本を紹介したかったので、essay 編を書き始めたんです。mini world という、高校生でも読めるやさしい英語でかかれた雑誌(というキャッチフレーズ)の中に連載されていた短編エッセイで、4巻まで出ていました。アルゼンチンからやって来た“普通の”サラリーマン、ヴォルガさんが、不思議の国ニッポンで巻き起こす珍騒動の数々、なんですね。一応ベストセラーの一つだったと思います。
 ですが、mini world(廃刊)という事情もあり、 mini world Books

English Zone(2009年2月休刊)に受け継がれたエッセイのひとつです。

「Where has My tokyo Gone?」私の東京はどこに行った? の始まりです。

Where has My tokyo Gone?

"Let meet to celebrate!" my old friend Yoshitaka said over the phone.
"Glad to be back in my beloved Tokyo," I said." Next Fraiday? Great! Hachiko? Crowded. The Moai statue? Not stylish. Under the screen of Shibuya 109-2 building is better. Call the guys , we'll dine at my favorite place.


The following Fridady in Shibuya, I met the ten friends Who came.
"Long time no see" I said,embracing each of them. Happiness and lack of use made me forget Japanese manners.

※Long time no see:(長らく会わず)久しぶりだね

I then said," follow me!" and led the way past the old structures of Nonbei Yokocho, crossed Meiji-dori andimmeadiately crossed Aoyama-dori before walking uphill." You're a Tokyo expert!" Yoshitaka said.

※led the way:道を先導して(lead,led,led)

At the first corner, I turned right and followed the street under the Ginza Line tracks."You know your way around," another guy said.
i was filled with pride.
" We are almost there, the best yakitori in town," I said,turning right and pointing to the fifth floor of gray building that...wasn't there!

※the street under the Ginza Line tracks:地下鉄銀座線の下を通る道(地下鉄銀座線は、終点渋谷では地下ではなく地上高架を走っている)

The whole block had torn down:no moreyakitori, no more planetarium,no morea Tokyu Bunka Kaikan.What happend?

※torn down:tear down取り壊す(tear,torn,torn)

" You've been away too long," Yoshitaka said with a laugh.
" I knew that old gray building had been torn down but didn't tell you on purpose. It was our chace to play a joke on you. We have reservations at a, fashionable yakiniku reataurant," he said with a smile.

※on purpose:わざと


 なお、エッセイ(essay)でも、軽々しく読めない、「THE ESSAYS OF ELIA(エリア随筆集)」(現在、本棚でツンドク状態中)などもありますので、ご注意を


エッセイ ブログトップ
