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今回ご紹介するシリーズ本は、JIGSAWパzzzzzル好き(当方 z 好き)の少年探偵が活躍する、本格派ミステリーです。

Missing Hamster で微笑んでいると、本編を読まれて、彼の真価に驚愕されるでしょう。


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シリーズ18巻 表紙
裏庭にあるtree houseの OFFICE です。



では、JIGSAW JONES 君の一人語りを、少しだけですが、読んでいただきましょう。

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再掲 第1巻
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Chapter One
Jigsaw Jones, Private Eye

It was Sunday afternoon,4:36 P.M. I was in my office on dirty side of town. Okay, actually I was in my tree house in the backyard.
But it had a wooden sign that read OFFICE.

And it was dirty. But that's no big deal.
When you are in my line of work, you get used to a little dirt.

No I don't make mud cakes for a living. I'm a detective. For a dollar a day, I make problems go away.

I was working on my new " Life in the Jurassic " jigsaw puzzle. It wasn't going great. Okay, it was going crummy.

My dog, Rags, yapped below. I told him to be quiet. Rag kept on barking. It was one of those days.

one of those days
ついていない日、悪い日 A bad day.
I'm sorry I was rude earlier. I'm just having one of those days.

Suddenly a voice called out, " Hey, Jigsaw, you up there ? "

you up there (上のオフィスに)いるか?
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My next-door neighbor, Wingnut O'brien. His real name was Timothy, but everyone called him Wingnut because of hi ears. They were three size too big for his head.

Wingnut didin't mind his nickname. In fact, he liked it. mind his nickname. In fact, he liked it. Wingnut was proud of his oversize ears. They made him feel special.

Go figure. I thought they made him look...well... like a Wingnut.

" What are you up to ? " Wingnut asked.
" Oh, about ten feet, " I answered.


Wingnut looked down. " Oh,yeah, " he said.

Wingnut was six years old, a year younger than me. He wore blue jeans, a hockey jersey, and a frown.

he wore frown 実際に着るものだけなく、身にまとう感じ・表情・状態にも、よくwear が使われる

" Listen, Jigsaw, I've got a problem, " Wingnut said.

I've got は、何にでもよくつかわれる表現です。have got a problem (ちょっと)困っているんだ (got抜きの) had a ploblem(困ったな) もよく使います。

" I make ploblem go away." (:解決してやるよ) I answered.
" But it'll cost you. You know my rate: I get a dollar a day.

WIngnut's eyes started to water.

started to water 直感でわかりますが、tears を使わないシャレた言い方ですね。

Oh, brother. I handed him a box of kleenex. In this line of work, you see a lot of tears.
It pays to keep Kleenex aroundー especially if you don't have the stomach to watch somebody slobber all over his new hockey jersey.

Wingnut looked at me with sad, pitiful eyes. Between sobs and sighs, he sputtered, " Hermie's gone. "

Hermie was Wingnut' golden hamstar. It looked like this might be a job for Jigsaw Jones.
Business had been slow and I need the cash. Puzzles don't grow on trees, you know.

See, I've been solving problems in my neighborhoodーand at schoolーever since kindergarten.
I was in second grade now, in Ms.Gleason's class.
But some things never change.
There were always ploblemーmissing cupcakes, stolen baseball mitts, lost hamsters.

There will always be a need for me: Jigsaw Jones, Private Eye.

まだ本編の問題解決編に至っていませんが、この第1章で、皆さんも、彼:JIGSAW JONES 君に、好感を持っていただけたかと思います。


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再掲 第18巻

もう一冊、冒頭で出しました18巻のなかから、JIGSAW JONES 君の、家族とのひとときを、ご紹介しておきたいと思います。

本編ミステリーとは、あまり関係ないのですが、この物語は、Jigaw 君の日常活動誌的部分もあり、そこもほほえましいのですね。
けっこう大家族なのですが、彼は、家族からも、Jigaw と呼ばれています。この中では、彼の以外?な側面も、少し出てきます。面白いのですが・・・。

" Jigsaw, take off that hat at the breakfast table, " my mother ordered.

" This was Lightning Lou's hat, " I protested.

Lightning Lou's hat 
Lightning Lou さん、というのは、世界中を旅して動物を記録したりしている人で、今回、Jigsaw の学校にやってきた、この物語のキーパーソンで、ヘビを肩にのせて、幅広のヨレヨレ帽子をかぶり、Cri-key が口癖の人です。
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こんな人です。ここには、black bear を探しにきました。


" Not at the table " my mother insisted.

Oldies. Cri-key.
They have this thing about hats and tables that I will never understand. What's the big deal ?
Besides, I wasn't keen as mustard to eat breakfast in the first place.

Grams say I'm a fussy eater. My mom says I'm just imposible.
But my dad never complains.
He just say, " I was the same way when I was growing up. "

" You are not helping, " my mother complained.

" It's the truth, " my dad replied. " When I was a kid, I wouldn't have eaten a blueberry pancake if you paid me. "

I nodded in agreement. That's what I liked about my dad. He was once a boy himself. He understands.

" Theodore, " my mother said (She always calls me Theodore when she's unhappy.)
" Grams made these delicious pancakes as a special treat. You should at least try one. You might like it.

" But I don't like blueberry pancakes, " I said.

" Why not ?"

" They have blueberries in them, " I reasoned.

"Duh, " my sister Hillary commented.
" That's what they call them blueberry pancakes, Einstein. "

I gave her the evil eye. Hillary smirked, " Don't stare at me, zombie face. "

" I picked these blueberries fresh last season, " Grams said. She flipped another pancake.
" I froze them so we could enjoy bkueberries all year long. They are delicious, Jigsaw ! "
She popped one into her mouth and made a big show out of how wonderful it tasted.

I wasn't buying.

wasn't buying その手にはのらない、同意しない

" Take a bite, " my mother insisted.

I clamped my mouth shut.

" Or no puzzle for a week. "

So that's how it was going to be.
Blackmail, the oldest game in the book.

blackmail 脅迫

" Just one bite ? " I asked.

" Yes, one bite, " she answered.

I slowly lifted the fork toward my mouth.
But for some reason, my mouth wouldn't open.

" Eat it, Theodore, " Hillary said.

" I'm trying, " I mumbled through locked lips. I wanted to tell my mom how sometimes a mouth does whatever it wants.
But I couldn't because my mouth didn't want to talk about it.

" Hey, Jigsaw ! Telephone ! " my oldest brother, Billy , called from the next room.

" It's a girl ! "

" A girl ? " I said, dropping my fork.

" She says it's an emergency, " Billy replied.

" I'll take it in my office, " I announced.
Happily, my mouth seemed to be working again.
I grabbed the portable phone and climbed into the tree house in my backyard.

" Jigsaw Jones, private eye, " I spoke into the phone.
" For a dollar a day, I make ploblems go away. "


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nice!(7)  コメント(4)  トラックバック(0) 

nice! 7

コメント 4


A JIGSAW JONES MISTERY シリーズ、おもしろそうですね。読みたくなってきました。
by 柚季 (2012-03-19 16:11) 


まあ、ですね、「ネート ザ グレート」君に比べると、ぐっと本格なのですが、ですね。やさしい英語の本と本格は両立しにくいですね。
by 足立sunny (2012-03-20 16:11) 


by 足立sunny (2012-05-15 00:24) 


by 足立sunny (2012-05-15 00:30) 

トラックバック 0
